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14 Best RPGs of 2024! (so far) | Backlog Battle

0 Views· 24/11/24
Andreas Straus
Andreas Straus
In Gaming

"2024 is going to be the best year in RPGs!" I know you and I have said this plenty of times before, but this time, it might really be true! Join me as we check out 14 of the best RPGs that have come out this year so far, in anticipation to all the other games coming soon!

0:00 - Intro

Special Mentions
1:12 - SaGa Emerald Beyond
1:59 - Grandia I & II HD Remaster
2:49 - Stellar Blade
3:46 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

The List
4:50 - Granblue Fantasy Relink
5:56 - Persona 3 Reload
6:52 - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
8:08 - Unicorn Overlord
9:15 - Dragon's Dogma II
10:19 - Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes
11:27 - Sand Land
12:30 - No Rest For The Wicked
13:58 - Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
15:07 - Hades II

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#granbluefantasyrelink #sagaemeraldbeyond #saga #grandia #stellarblade #papermario #granbluefantasy #persona #persona3reload #finalfantasy #finalfantasy7rebirth #unicornoverlord #dragonsdogma2 #eiyudenchronicle #eiyudenchroniclehundredheroes #sandland #norestforthewicked #likeadragon #likeadragoninfinitewealth #hades #hades2 #rpg #jrpg #actionrpg #turnbasedrpg #gaming #videogames #nonbinary

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