adrienne maree brown: pleasure activism
We must recognize that “pleasure is a measure of freedom,” that’s the first ambition writer, healer, and teacher adrienne maree brown has for her book and guide, “Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good.” In our movements and communities, we’re constantly trying to find ways to measure liberation and freedom, and love seems like as good a yardstick as any. What would it look like to love without fear? adrienne has joined us on the show before to discuss organizing as science fiction and the work of Octavia Butler. In this interview, she speaks with us from Bluestockings, a feminist bookstore in New York City about the legacies of the erotic --- from Octavia Butler to Audre Lorde and what it means to not just survive, but to seek and find pleasure. Like adrienne, the book is wildly popular and out now from AK Press.