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Entertaining Doggy Daycare TV - Dog Video for Dogs To Watch - 🐶 Relaxing Music & Real Sounds

0 Views· 23/11/24
Andreas Straus
Andreas Straus

We've started this channel @thefarm-dogtv as a way for people to help support The Farm, by popping these longer format videos on the TV in the background while you’re at home or for your pet while you're not home. By watching, you're generously supporting all our animals here at the farm.

00:00 Dogs and Puppies Gate Training
00:14 Big bucket of dog toys for the Dogs and Puppies to play with
16:20 Dogs and Puppies Gate Training
17:02 Big bucket of dog toys for the Dingoes to play with
31:26 Morning Run for the dogs in the Bush with Evie and Wolf
35:46 Louis the Ginger Cat in the laundry basket
36:12 Elle playing with Cute Pie the Pug
37:10 Morning Bush run
44:02 Dogs playing with the family in the backyard
1:02:46 Kitty the cat helping mum work on the computer
1:03:37 Dogs playing with the family in the backyard
1:15:08 Hydro baths for the dogs by the fireplace
1:48:25 Morning Bush run
1:56:46 Dogs eating doggy peanut butter
2:18:00 Dogs and Puppies Gate Training
2:18:58 Evening getting ready for bed inside with fireplace
3:05:29 Morning Bush run
3:26:54 Crispy the Golden Retriever lounging in the morning
3:28:30 Freddo the Rottweiler and Abra the Malinois X playing together
3:29:34 Dogs and Puppies Gate Training
3:33:47 Kitty the cat getting cuddles
3:34:44 Dogs and Dingoes going for a bush walk
5:44:27 Sunrise with Crispy taking the phone

Buy The Farm Dogs a Treat 🐶


Happy, peaceful, relaxing & entertaining videos & music for you and your dog to watch of rescue dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and dingoes (who have been saved from euthanasia and many with special needs) living together at a farm sanctuary, playing & having the best days together.

Your views provide direct support for these adopted shelter dogs: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOye

Quick about us:

We (Mum, Dad and 3 kids) started out with a small dog daycare business (Doggy Daycare Farm Trips) in the countryside of Australia. COVID hit and we began to take a more rewarding turn and take in dogs that were struggling to find homes in the shelter. Dogs with more serious behavioural issues, dogs set for euthanasia, dogs with medical/special needs. In truth, it’s cost us everything we had financially, so we had this idea that people might enjoy watching some of the journey and we could support ourselves by making videos on YouTube. So here we are. Dad, Luke, is retired from the Special Forces after several active deployments, he then went on to become a dog trainer. Mum, Sam, was in advertising, hence the Youtube part. Our kids Elle (8), Evie (6) and Wolf (2) all help us care for and love on all the 30 animals (20 dogs, 2 Dingoes, 2 cats, 5 goats and 1 horse) in our care.

To all those who have been watching since the beginning, we cannot thank you enough. Boy, have you gone through a lot with us. To those just joining us, thanks for being here, we really hope you stay and enjoy our videos, your views truly do help with food and vet bills for all our animals here at the farm. Thank you very much.

Follow The Farm:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOye
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefarmfordogs/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheFarmForDogs/
and https://www.facebook.com/doggyfarmtrips/
Our website: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/
Our shop: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/farm-shop/

Support The Farm:
Behind The Scenes Membership: Click the 'Join' Tab at https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOye
Support Via Paypal: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/donate/

On The Dodo:
Miss Violet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35xrt5JGQp0
Chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEuxHzVS2AI&t=139s
Freddo: https://youtu.be/49I7N0523E8?si=Qdwm1xXmZZr_lf0n

@thefarm-dogtv is a part of our main channel @thefarmfordogs All footage is original & used across both channels; owned & created by Luke & Sam Evans from the farm.

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