Jack Harlow - Hello Miss Johnson [Official Music Video]
Jack Harlow - Hello Miss Johnson
Stream/Download: https://jackharlow.lnk.to/HMJ
Website: https://www.jackharlow.us/
Instagram: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/Instagram
Twitter: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/Twitter
Facebook: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/Facebook
Youtube: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/YouTube
SoundCloud: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/SoundCloud
Spotify: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/Spotify
Apple: https://JackHarlow.lnk.to/Apple
The official YouTube channel of Generation Now and Atlantic Records artist Jack Harlow. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more.
Directors: Shadrinsky @shadrinsky
Production: Vanta @vanta.tv
Executive Producer: Emile Sarda @emile.sarda
Line Producer: Jennifer Faubert @jennifer.faubert
Production Coordinator: Mariia Churakova @flnrft
Production Assistant: Eloise Grebil @eloisegrebil
Art Director: Gohan Keller @gohankeller
Service Production: North of Now @northofnowfilms
Executive Producer: Matisse Gaillard @matissephlip
Executive Producer: Daniel Yaro @yaro___
Head of Production: Elizabeth Cook @ebearcook
Producer: Landon Kovalick @sleepyland0
Producer: Will Hickox @willhickox_resolve
Production Manager: Parker Thomson @parkerthomson_films
Production Coordinator: Jake Lynn @movie_jake
D.O.P: Cyan Mariani, @cyanmariani
1st AD: Jacques Mady @madyybam , Ibrahim Yilla @ham_got_hacked
2nd AD: Madison Bonds @madison.armani, Maguzzii @justmaguzzii
2nd 2nd: Curtis "CJ" Sutton Jr. @curtisleesuttonjr, Donalia "Dolly" Jones, Troy Staime, @troyycreateur
Daughter: Majel Udjate @znefer_
Extras: Urban @urbanwyatt, KY @kyengineerin, Phil @phalph, John @johnnoalias
CCTV Tech: Eric Deren @ericd3
CCTV Tech Assist: Jacob McElroy
2nd AC: Lily Sanders @lilyysanderss
VTR: Camryn Kiley @its_camz, David Diaz @rdavid_adlerdiaz
Script Supervisor: Mia Brassel @miadaneb
Gaffer: Luan Agostinho @lu.rentals
Key Grip: Lonnie Poole @mac_dre_89, Clara Aquino @claravaladao
Best Boy Electrician: Clara Aquino @claravaladao
Key HMU: Renee Tucker @iam_beautybyrenee
HMU: April Garcia @aprilnicole, Erin Phillips, Keisha George @keishageorgehairstylist
Jack’s Stylism: Edem Dossou @edemdl, Miso Dam @misodam
Jack’s Stylist Assistant: Alena Nitti @alenanitti
Wardrobe Stylist: Edem Morales @edemdl
Wardrobe Stylist Asst: Juliette Alibaksh @julietteax, Jade Delaunay @jaadedk
Wardrobe Stylist: Wintter @themanner.co
Wardrobe Stylist Assist: Reese @thefeelingsiwear, Chic @chicloren_, Sicely @sicelysicely
Production Designer: Eliza Chance @elizachance
Art Director: Taylor Wynn @t_wynn23
Art Coordinator: John Tangney @johnny.tagney
Set Decorator: Joseph Myles @joeycasserole, Luke Miller @cashewlucas
Set Dresser: Maddy Spruell @maddyspruell
Art PA: Andrew Bowen @andrew_bowen45
Ice Sculpture: Jim & Lonna
SFX Coordinator: Zack Keeler @storytellerfx
SFX Assist: Quentin Clark, James Vierira, Jerry Roberts (JR), Patty Cake, Gavin Martin
Stunt Coordinator: James Ortiz @jamesortizstunts
Asst Stunt Coordinator: Jenin Gonzalez @jeningonzalez
Stunts BMX: Luc Sabatier @luc_sabatier
Precision Driver: Ronny Mathew @ronnymathewentertainment
Stunts: Andrew Horne @andrewhorneofficial. Chelsea Reuter @chelsea_reuter, Daniel K. Choi @danielclassickchoi, John Evanko, Nicole Reddinger @nicole.reddinger, Carrie Brewer @carriebrewer_vo
Stunts Rigger: Carson Donihoo
Location Manager: Rico Price @rico.price
Location Assistant Manager: Antwuan Price
Location Assistant: Rasheem Tidwell, Akizhane Wilson
PA: Cody Graffius @caped_cod, Jackson Helms @jackzonhelmz, Mustafa Tikiwala @mustafa_tikiwala, Jarren Mapp @pure_mapp, Turner Amell @turneramell, Fidel Azih, Jesse Yojanes @noir_realm, Erin Geegan @eringeegan
Shuttle PA: Connor Kamp @ckamp, Chris Frierson @blackcaligula, Travis Kirton
Medic / FSO: Chuck Bray @capt_charlieobray
Studio Teacher: Shenell Rodgers @therealshenell
Casting: Esprit Casting @espritcasting
Animal Wranglers: Steve Berens, Jeni Lee, Ali Anderson, Laura Borchelt
Post-Production: Disguys @disguys_fx
Post-producer: Émile Sarda @emile.sarda
Editor: Bram van Dijk @nahmlos
Color Grador: Zoe Candito @zoefisherman
VFX: Nolann Blettner @nolannblettner
Label: Generation Now
Lake Morrison @lakesheezy
DJ Drama @djdrama
Don Cannon @doncannon
Label: Atlantic Records
Marketing: Angelique Jones @angie_4, Marsha St. Hubert @sthuby,
Creative: Kareem Johnson @kxreemjxhnsxn
Operations: Lily Thrall @lilamander
Video Coordinator: Claudia Chiossone @claudichiossoner
Artist Management: Range Media Partners
Chris Thomas @thomchristmas
Drew Thomas @werdthomas
Creative Direction: After The Studio
Kathryn Kenealy @kathrynkenealy
Melissa Tesillo @hotgirl_in_yourarea
Olivia Ji @olivia.haesuh
Abby Mason @abbyemason
#JackHarlow #HelloMissJohnson #HMJ