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Life as a Veteran with My Dogs // My Life Vlog - with Dogs

0 Views· 23/11/24
Andreas Straus
Andreas Straus

The dogs are practicing their wait at the gates together as a team. They love when it's time for the 'through' command and they get to run through together. Lily the German Shepherd runs straight to Luke but also lets everyone know about behaving with her vocalising.

Then it's playtime in the doggy playground. Dogs digging in the sand, dogs running through the open field. Dogs swimming in the dam and playing together.

Dad is in the Dingo enclosure building the shelter whilst we play.

Doggy peanut butter as an afternoon treat.

Crispy the Golden Retriever puppy loves to wrestle with her best pal Miss Red the Staffy, but she's also made a friend in Matilda the German Shepherd. Crispy loves to wrestle with her friends and then pass out at my feet.

Abra the Belgian Malinois Mix stares at Kitty the Cat. The game for Kitty is to act like she doesn't care, only to highlight Abra's over the top keenness.

We're all just giving Dad time to build at the moment before the heavy rain comes tonight/tomorrow.

In the evening, it's time to settle in. Find our spots on the couches. Rosco the Mastiff and the Pittie brothers Tank and Chopper aren't quite ready to settle.

Eventually all the dogs fall asleep. Maybe dreaming of peanut butter or swimming or wrestling or any of the things they love to do each day in their life together on the farm.

Thank you everyone for watching and supporting our family. We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

If you haven't already please consider subscribing, it helps us so much, thank you.

Follow The Farm:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCmLaO0FYZqRnXLOye
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Our website: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/
Our shop: https://www.doggydaycarefarmtrips.com.au/farm-shop/

On The Dodo:
Miss Violet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35xrt5JGQp0
Chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEuxHzVS2AI&t=139s

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