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Top 15 Best Tactical/Strategy RPG Games If You Love Final Fantasy Tactics!

0 Views· 24/11/24
Andreas Straus
Andreas Straus
In Gaming

Final Fantasy Tactics 2 please?

Top 15 Best Tactical/Strategy RPG Games If You Love Final Fantasy Tactics!

00:00 Intro
00:33 Buy Games Cheaper
01:26 #15. Suikoden Tactics (PS2)
02:09 #14. Gungnir (PSP)
02:52 #13. Onimusha Tactics (GBA)
03:40 #12. Stella Deus (PS2)
04:28 #11. Disgaea Series (PC, PSP, PSVita, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, iOS, Android)
05:16 #10. Fae Tactics (PC, Xbox One)
05:59 #9. The Banner Saga Series (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, iOS, Android)
06:45 #8. Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery (PC)
07:27 #7. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
08:11 #6. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (Nintendo DS)
08:58 Bonus 5. Sword of Convallaria (PC, iOS, Android)
09:36 Bonus 4. Luminous Arc series (Nintendo DS)
10:11 #5. Redemption Reapers (PC, PS4, PS5, Switch)
10:56 #4. Our Adventurer Guild (PC)
11:39 #3. Triangle Strategy (PC, Switch)
12:22 #2. Jeanne d'Arc (PSP, PS4, PS5)
13:11 Bonus 3. Banner of the Maid (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
13:54 Bonus 2. Mercenaries Saga Series (PC, Nintendo 3DS, Switch)
14:17 Bonus 1. War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (iOS, Android)
14:52 #1. Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together (PSP)

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