Pets & Animals

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

1 Horas de Los Mejores Videos de Gatos Graciosos - Videos De Risa de Animales 2023, Videos de Animales Graciosos Haciendo cosas divertidas, Gatos Chistosos, Gracioso videos de reacción de gato de la semana, para morirse de risa con Perros Graciosos y Gatos Graciosos
Bienvenido a nuestro canal donde podrás encontrar los mejores chistosos y más divertidos animales chistosos del mundo. Diviértete viendo nuestro contenido. Todos los días se lanzarán nuevos episodios.
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Ver más: #LifeforFun #VideosDeRisa #GatosGraciosos
#GatosChistosos #funnyvideos #siteriespierdes

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Novos animais engraçados 2024 😂 Vídeos mais engraçados de cães e gatos 😹🐶 Parte 26
Bem-vindo ao canal
Você pode desfrutar dos melhores vídeos engraçados de cães e gatos de todos os tempos (≧▽≦)
Obrigado por assistir nossos vídeos 😄😄😄
#gatosengraçados çados #cachorrosengraçados çados #animaisengraçados çados #gatos #animaisfofos #cutedogs #vídeosdegatos #vídeosdecachorro
#animais #gatos #cachorros #animaisdeestimação ção #engraçado çado

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Momentos que te harán reír sin parar- si te ríes pierdes, Animales Chistosos

Si te gustó subscríbete y activa la campanita 🔔

Los mejores memes, si te ríes pierdes, humor, videos virales, imposible no reír,
Es el número uno de videos de humor y compilaciones de Animales

#siteriespierdes #videosderisas #risas #2024 #funnyanimals #funny #risa #divertido #memes

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Los Mejores Videos de Gatos Chistosos 2023 #485
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Gracias por ver mis videos, si te gustan, por favor, y comparte tus comentarios ♥♥♥

SUSCRÍBETE a mi canal para ver más videos ^ ◡ ^

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Novos animais engraçados 2024 😂 Vídeos mais engraçados de cães e gatos 😹🐶 Parte 29
Bem-vindo ao canal
Você pode desfrutar dos melhores vídeos engraçados de cães e gatos de todos os tempos (≧▽≦)
Obrigado por assistir nossos vídeos 😄😄😄
#gatosengraçados çados #cachorrosengraçados çados #animaisengraçados çados #gatos #animaisfofos #cutedogs #vídeosdegatos #vídeosdecachorro
#animais #gatos #cachorros #animaisdeestimação ção #engraçado çado

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

👉 Novos vídeos de Cachorros e Gatos Engraçados 2024 - TENTE NÃO RIR Ep39 🐱🐶🐾 #funniestcats #funniestdogs #funniestanimals

🟢 Adestre o seu Pet em casa!
DESCUBRA como adestradores fazem para seu cão parar de fazer xixi e destruir sua casa toda.
💎 Seja Membro do nosso Canal e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos!
00:00 Tente Não Rir Cachorros e Gatos
01:04 Gato e Cachorro
02:05 Dog and Cat Funny Dogs Cats
03:06 Doguinhos Fofos Doguinho
03:40 Animais Engraçados
04:04 Funniest Animals
04:20 Try Not To Laugh
04:25 Cães e Gatos Memes

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Pequeño felino lleno de ternura y travesuras. Este adorable gatito conquistará tu corazón con sus ocurrencias y dulzura infinita.

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

🔴 Novos vídeos de Cachorros e Gatos Engraçados 2024 - TENTE NÃO RIR Ep36 🐱🐶🐾

🟢 Adestre o seu Pet em casa!
DESCUBRA como adestradores fazem para seu cão parar de fazer xixi e destruir sua casa toda.
💎 Seja Membro do nosso Canal e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos!
00:00 Tente Não Rir Cachorros e Gatos
01:04 Gato e Cachorro
02:05 Dog and Cat Funny Dogs Cats
03:06 Doguinhos Fofos Doguinho
03:40 Animais Engraçados
04:04 Funniest Animals
04:20 Try Not To Laugh
04:25 Cães e Gatos

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Novos animais engraçados 2024 😂 Vídeos mais engraçados de cães e gatos 😹🐶 Parte 28
Bem-vindo ao canal
Você pode desfrutar dos melhores vídeos engraçados de cães e gatos de todos os tempos (≧▽≦)
Obrigado por assistir nossos vídeos 😄😄😄
#gatosengraçados çados #cachorrosengraçados çados #animaisengraçados çados #gatos #animaisfofos #cutedogs #vídeosdegatos #vídeosdecachorro
#animais #gatos #cachorros #animaisdeestimação ção #engraçado çado

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Novos animais engraçados 2024 😂 Vídeos mais engraçados de cães e gatos 😹🐶 Parte 30
Bem-vindo ao canal
Você pode desfrutar dos melhores vídeos engraçados de cães e gatos de todos os tempos (≧▽≦)
Obrigado por assistir nossos vídeos 😄😄😄
#gatosengraçados çados #cachorrosengraçados çados #animaisengraçados çados #gatos #animaisfofos #cutedogs #vídeosdegatos #vídeosdecachorro
#animais #gatos #cachorros #animaisdeestimação ção #engraçado çado

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

👉 Novos vídeos de Cachorros e Gatos Engraçados 2024 - TENTE NÃO RIR Ep36 🐱🐶🐾

🟢 Adestre o seu Pet em casa!
DESCUBRA como adestradores fazem para seu cão parar de fazer xixi e destruir sua casa toda.
💎 Seja Membro do nosso Canal e tenha acesso a conteúdos exclusivos!
00:00 Tente Não Rir Cachorros e Gatos
01:04 Gato e Cachorro
02:05 Dog and Cat Funny Dogs Cats
03:06 Doguinhos Fofos Doguinho
03:40 Animais Engraçados
04:04 Funniest Animals
04:20 Try Not To Laugh
04:25 Cães e Gatos 2

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Gatos Engraçados 2024 - Os gatos mais engraçados da internet
Gatos são animais fantásticos, inteligentes e extremamente engraçados. Trouxemos alguns vídeos de gatos em situação muito engraçadas, fazendo suas “gatices”. Sozinhos, com humanos e também com cachorros, os gatos sempre nos surpreendem fazendo coisas engraçadas, inteligentes e até mesmo sem sentido nenhum. O que torna tudo ainda mais engraçado.

Não esqueça de curtir, compartilhar com seus amigos e de se inscrever no canal para mais vídeos como este. Muito obrigado!

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Gatos e cães brincando: Animais de estimação se divertindo e interagindo de maneiras engraçadas.

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Köpeklerde çiftleşme nasıl olur, Çiftleşen köpeklere nasıl yardım edilir, Köpekler kaçıncı gün çiftleşir.
Katıl Butonu Görünmeyenler İçin Link Yukarıdadır.

Ergün Turgan K9 Kanalında, Köpeklerle ilgili bilmedikleriniz, yanlış bildikleriniz. Köpekler Hakkında Şehir efsaneleri, Sosyal köpek eğitimi, Köpek eğitimi, köpek tuvalet eğitimi, köpek ırkları hakkında bilgiler.
Herkesin kendi köpeğini küçük dokunuşlarla eğitebileceği, eğlenceli köpek videoları. Köpeğinizin potansiyelini anlayabilmeniz için dersleri izleyin, uygulayın.
Alman Çoban köpekleri hakkında geniş bilgi. Alman kurtları karakteri, bakımı, eğitimi, aile içi uyumu, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler, Doberman Pitbull lar hakkında bilgiler.
Siyah Alman Kurdu özellikleri, siyah alman kurdu bakımı. Siyah alman kurdu yavruları. Alman Kurtlarının Hayatınıza Katacağı Güzellikler.
Kendi köpeklerim ile çektiğim videolar. True Blood K9 köpekleri, Alman Kurtlarımın eğitimleri. Alman Kurtları Yavruları. Alman Kurdu Satış.

Kanala Abone Olur ve Videoları Beğenirseniz Sevinirim.

En İyi Videolarım

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

If dogs were cops... 👮🚓
#CSITopi #SmellySurprise #PawsomeDriver

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Costume from @RubiesPetShop

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Dog TV Relaxation ~ 8 Hours of Relaxing TV for Dogs at The Babbling Brook with Gentle Bird Sounds ASMR Relaxation

Video Produced by Paul Dinning - Wildlife in Cornwall

Filmed in May 2018

Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Dog TV for Dogs to Watch 🐶 Entertainment for Dogs 🎵 Relaxing Dog Music & Anti Anxiety Dog Home Alone

We've started this channel @thefarm-dogtv as a way for people to help support The Farm, by popping these longer format videos on the TV in the background while you’re at home or for your pet while you're not home. By watching, you're generously supporting all our animals here at the farm.

00:00 Dogs and Puppies playing in the field
10:10 Nature walk with Dogs and Puppies
31:53 Nature walk with Dingoes and Dogs
50:36 Dingoes and dogs playing in the field
1:03:45 Morning Run in the Bush
1:30:28 Dogs and Dingoes Playing in the Dog Playground
1:36:28 Moose the Boxer meets Tina and Cruiser the Dingoes
1:43:46 Moose discovers turtle
1:46:56 Joey saves baby chick
2:06:08 Hydro bath dog grooming
2:42:30 Morning bush run with dogs
2:51:30 Dogs swimming in the pool
2:55:41 Mail opening
3:45:41 Crispy the Golden Retriever in bed with kids
3:50:03 Morning run through bush with dogs and Wolf
3:56:29 Cats and dogs inside playing with kids
4:01:09 Dogs and kids go to the beach
4:33:44 Rainy night run through the bush with dogs
4:59:10 Evening sleeping with dogs and cats
5:01:30 Morning sunrises at the farm and golden retriever steals phone
5:59:26 Dogs helping with the cleaning
6:05:02 Cats playing with dogs and kids
6:11:26 Training for Abra the Belgian Malinois
6:13:48 Sleeping Dogs and cats

Buy The Farm Dogs a Treat 🐶


Happy, peaceful, relaxing & entertaining videos & music for you and your dog to watch of rescue dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and dingoes (who have been saved from euthanasia and many with special needs) living together at a farm sanctuary, playing & having the best days together.

Your views provide direct support for these adopted shelter dogs:

Quick about us:

We (Mum, Dad and 3 kids) started out with a small dog daycare business (Doggy Daycare Farm Trips) in the countryside of Australia. COVID hit and we began to take a more rewarding turn and take in dogs that were struggling to find homes in the shelter. Dogs with more serious behavioural issues, dogs set for euthanasia, dogs with medical/special needs. In truth, it’s cost us everything we had financially, so we had this idea that people might enjoy watching some of the journey and we could support ourselves by making videos on YouTube. So here we are. Dad, Luke, is retired from the Special Forces after several active deployments, he then went on to become a dog trainer. Mum, Sam, was in advertising, hence the Youtube part. Our kids Elle (8), Evie (6) and Wolf (2) all help us care for and love on all the 30 animals (20 dogs, 2 Dingoes, 2 cats, 5 goats and 1 horse) in our care.

To all those who have been watching since the beginning, we cannot thank you enough. Boy, have you gone through a lot with us. To those just joining us, thanks for being here, we really hope you stay and enjoy our videos, your views truly do help with food and vet bills for all our animals here at the farm. Thank you very much.

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On The Dodo:
Miss Violet:

@thefarm-dogtv is a part of our main channel @thefarmfordogs All footage is original & used across both channels; owned & created by Luke & Sam Evans from the farm.

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Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

A heartwarming tale for underdogs everywhere, Pip is the story of a small dog with a big dream—to become a Dogs Inc Guide Dog. Does she have what it takes?

Film made possible by Gary and Melody Johnson.

Dog’s heroics will make you cry! Donate at

Bring your own Pip home today!

Click here for the audio description for the visually impaired:

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Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

Dog Man - In Theaters January 31

Part dog, part man, all hero.

From DreamWorks Animation—creators of the beloved blockbuster franchises Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon and The Boss Baby—comes the canine-crime-fighting film adaptation of Dav Pilkey’s New York Times bestselling literary phenomenon: Dog Man.

When a faithful police dog and his human police officer owner are injured together on the job, a harebrained but life-saving surgery fuses the two of them together and Dog Man is born. Dog Man is sworn to protect and serve—and fetch, sit and roll over.

As Dog Man embraces his new identity and strives to impress his Chief (Lil Rel Howery, Get Out, Free Guy), he must stop the pretty evil plots of feline supervillain Petey the Cat (Pete Davidson; Saturday Night Live, The King of Staten Island). Petey’s latest plan is to clone himself, creating the kitten Lil Petey, to double his ability to do crime stuff. Things get complicated, though, when Lil Petey forges an unexpected bond with Dog Man.

When Lil Petey falls into the clutches of a common enemy, Dog Man and Petey reluctantly join forces in an action-packed race against time to rescue the young kitten. In the process, they discover the power of family (and kittens!) to bring even the most hostile foes together.

Dog Man also stars Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers, Rango) as TV reporter Sarah Hatoff; Poppy Liu (Hacks, The Afterparty) as Petey’s assistant, Butler; Emmy nominee Stephen Root (Barry, King of the Hill) as Grampa; Billy Boyd (the Lord of the Rings franchise, Seed of Chucky) as Sarah’s cameraman, Seamus; and Emmy and Golden Globe winner Ricky Gervais (The Office, Extras) as Flippy the fish.

Dog Man is directed by Emmy winner Peter Hastings (The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness), whose credits include the groundbreaking animated series Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain. The film is produced by Karen Foster (Spirit Untamed), who served as co-producer on DreamWorks Animation’s How to Train Your Dragon.

Launched in 2016 by Dav Pilkey—the #1 global bestselling author and award-winning illustrator of the Captain Underpants books—the Dog Man Scholastic series now includes 12 books. The series has more than 60 million copies in print and has been translated into 47 languages. Cat Kid Comic Club, a spin-off of Dog Man launched in 2020, has also topped bestseller lists around the world. The most recent Dog Man book, Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea, was overall the #1 bestselling children’s book in the U.S. in 2023, across all children’s formats and ages. Pilkey’s newest book in the Dog Man Series, Dog Man: Big Jim Begins, is set to release on December 3, 2024.

DreamWorks Animation’s Dog Man will be distributed by Universal Pictures.

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Andreas Straus
0 Views · 3 months ago

DOG TV for Dogs to Watch: Video Keep Your Dog Entertain When Home Alone - Best Music Anxiety for Dog.
This video features calming music and gentle video designed to reduce anxiety and prevent boredom for Dog. Ideal for creating a relaxing and stress-free environment, it helps your furry friend stay happy and entertained while you’re away. Perfect for dogs who need comfort and engagement during their alone time.
👉 All rights belong to their respective owners.
Video It has received a special license directly from artists and copyright holders.
Thumbnail photo purchased by:
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#dogmusic #relaxmydog #dog #puppy

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