People & Blogs
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This video is a part of my series on helping you to learn and earn online.
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This video will help you learn about blogging. Blogging is not a new generation way to earn money, rather it is something that is on the internet since 1998.
Today it has become a great source of income from which every age group is earning from a 16-year-old to a 60-year-old. If you are looking for an opportunity to earn lakhs, then starting a blog can be a stepping stone toward your dreams. This income opportunity holds the power to change your life. I have talked about many people who are earning lakhs through blogging.
This video is a complete guide with a full and free tutorial on how to make a website. It will give you an insight into the top 4 ways to earn money.
How to Make a Website and Earn Money Online -
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In this video I’m going to share with you how I write a blog post - from start to finish. Have you read any one of my blog posts and found that they all follow a similar format? And it’s not out of a coincidence. It’s for a reason. Because that formula helps me generate at least 37 thousand visitors per blog post.
Do you want to know this formula and how I write a perfect blog post? It works for a B2B, B2C, a personal or corporate blog. It’s the best blogging formula out there! And today I’m going to share with you my formula for a perfect blog post.
“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):
“8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful - Passive Income Online Blogging” (video):
“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):
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I'm gonna share with you the perfect formula that I follow for my own blog. It works for a B2C ,B2B, a personal blog or a corporate blog, it works for everything. I kid you not, it is the best formula out there. First tip: Start off with a title. Don't just start writing a blog post, unless you have the exact title, do not write your blog post.
The second step that you need to follow when it comes to writing a blog post is the introduction. In your introduction, you need to hook people with a bold statement. It's also about talking about what's gonna be covered in the post. Just give them a quick overview on what you're gonna teach them, is a great way to hook them in, as well, to get them to go more into your blog post, read more, and ideally, even leave a comment at the end of your post. Now that we got the introduction done, let's get into your body. Your body should include subheadings. Keep in mind, you want your content easy to skim. If people can't skim it, you're not gonna do well. In your body, use subheadings, and keep your paragraphs around five to six lines max. In addition to that, when you're writing your content in your body, you'll notice that at least on, I link out to other people. That's part of my formula, it's not just about linking to your own site, it's about linking to other sites. Because what happens is when you link to other websites, you open up your sources, you're citing them, it creates more credibility for you, makes you and your business look more as an expert, and that's what you wanna be perceived at when you're writing content.
Last but not least, you wanna wrap up your post with a conclusion. The conclusion summarizes what your post was about, and you end your conclusion with a question. By ending with the question, more people are more likely to leave a comment. When they leave a comment, it creates engagement. So it's really important you end with a question. And here's what we found with conclusions. Brazing Crazy Egg, we use a scroll mat feature, and what we found through testing was, a lot of people read blog posts, when they first land on them, they quickly scroll to the bottom, check out the conclusion, and then they go back up and read the rest, assuming they like the conclusion. So with your conclusion, make sure you label it "Conclusion".
People love getting back-links, because when you link out to someone, it drives in more traffic. Especially when you're linking to them in a positive way. Hopefully you're not bashing people in your blog post. Stay above that. So when you link up to them, shoot them an e-mail. "Hey Curtis, I have to say I am a huge fan of your work, so much so I linked out to you in my latest blog post. You can check it out here. Cheers, Neil. P.S. If you shared it, it would make my day". That's it. A lot of people who get linked out to, including me, don't mind sharing articles on Twitter.
00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - Have You Ever Written A Web Blog Post Before?
00:58 - The perfect Formula. B2B, B2C , Personal or Corporate Blog.
Tip 1 - Start Off With A Title
02:18 Tip 2 - Introduction ( Hook People With a Bold Statement.
02:54 Tip 3 - “Body Building” You Want It easy To Skim
03:38 Tip 4 - Link Up With Other Sites Too.
03:38 Tip 5 - Wrap Up Your Post With A Great Conclusion
04:44 Bonus Tip - Link Up To Other People To Drive More Traffic
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In this video, we explore the difference between a blog and a vlog to help you understand these two popular digital platforms. If you’ve ever wondered about what is a blog or what is a vlog, you’re in the right place! We’ll provide clear definitions of both formats and highlight the key distinctions between them.
Join us as we showcase examples of blogs and vlogs to illustrate how they work in practice. Whether you’re an aspiring blogger or vlogger, or just curious about the world of online content, this video offers valuable insights and tips for success in both domains.
Key Topics Covered:
📝 What is a Blog?
📹 What is a Vlog?
🤔 Key Differences Between Blogging and Vlogging
💡 Examples of Blogs and Vlogs
🌟 Tips for Aspiring Bloggers and Vloggers
Additional Information: Blogging and vlogging are powerful ways to share your thoughts, experiences, and insights with the world. Understanding the distinctions between these platforms is crucial if you're considering becoming a blogger or a vlogger.
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Nastya and Dad tell 9 rules of a successful blogger. And they also invite you to pass a talent casting. Register and we are waiting for you to join the team!
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Magic, Jinn, Envy and Evil Eye ... Do they really exist ? ... And if they do, what happens when they start to affect someone ?
In this very special video, I will tell you about how ... sometimes there is no visible cause of one's ailment and suffering. Not a scientific cause that you can discover in a laboratory test but ... that cause is a spiritual one.
You might see a very healthy person or a happy family suddenly falling into some kind of unexplained disaster and eventually ... end up being destroyed and at one, or another point of our lives; we all have witnessed such an event.
So the most important question is ... How can we protect ourself from such a disaster ? And in this video, I'm exactly going to give you that answer.
Hi, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research work in Quran, Science, Ancient History and Archaeology and I publish my work on my channel, named Furqan Qureshi Blogs.
I am an independant researcher funded by myself but if YOU wish to support my work, you can do that by donating me from this link.
And if you're from Pakistan, then here is the IBAN No. for my Faysal Bank.
Or if you're an Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash user ... you can send your support on this mobile no.
Furqan Qureshi
We have all heard and read about Jannat Ul Firdous, The ultimate purpose of a Muslim. But what is Jannat and how does it look like ?
It is believed that no eye has ever watched it, no ear has ever heard of it and no mind has ever thought of it but still, there is a description of Jannat provided in Quran and Hadith for example its stones are made of rubies and pearls, its rivers are made of water that will never go bad and tastes sweeter than honey and appears whiter than snow.
Its life is made of red-rubies and its stone can walk and talk but most importantly, it has a certain tree called "Sidratul Muntaha" that is the boundary between the realm of creation and the realm of God. Nothin can ever go beyond it and here arise two questions.
Question 1. Why did God chose a "tree" to be the separating boundries between his and all the other realms ?
What is so special about trees ? If you look at it, they appear nearly in every major incident for instance Adam and Eve was expelled from Jannat for tasting from a tree and when God spoke to Moses for the first time, he did it from a tree. So what is it that is special about trees ?
Question 2. Have you ever imagined how Jannat will really look like ?
For the first time in Urdu language, after extremly careful analysis of Quran and Hadith and using the most powerful tools of A.I technology, for the first time ... I have created a visual representation of Jannat for you.
And you will see that insha Allah ... in this video 🙂
By the ways, you can watch the complete series of "The Doors of Mysteries" on this link.
#jannat #heaven #quranandscience #islamandscience #sidratulmuntaha
Hi, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research work in Quran, Science, History & Archeology.
To support my research, please buy my coffee from this link.
And if you're from Pakistan, then here is the IBAN No. for my Faysal Bank.
Or if you're an Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash user ... you can also send your support to this mobile no.
Furqan Qureshi
¿Todavía no sabes que es un Blog? ¿No sabes para que sirve o que utilidades puedes darle? En este vídeo no solo te explico qué es un Blog, sino que además, verás varios ejemplos reales para que veas cómo funcionan y que utilides puedes darle.
👉🏻Curso completo:
¡SUSCRÍBETE para ver más contenido de este tipo!
Today, I will take you back in time to 8th century Arabia where we will spend a day with Sahaba Karam to learn the power of Qul Ho Allah Ho Ahad.
Welcome to the 3rd episode of time travel series where I take you forward and back in time to significant periods, days and eras of human history to witness the events that have shaped our world.
#timetravel #quranandscience #historyfacts #qasasulanbiya #islamandscience #allahuakbar #allahhuakbar #timetraveladventures
I have designed this series to educated young generation about the world and Islamic history and religion in perticular and I have worked day and night to make this series historically accurate just as much as visually appealing.
Salam, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research work in Quran, Science, History & Archeology.
To support my research, please buy my coffee from this link.
And if you're from Pakistan, then here is the IBAN No. for my Faysal Bank.
Or if you're an Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash user ... you can also send your support to this mobile no.
Furqan Qureshi
Neste vídeo, compartilho a maneira como elaboro minhas postagens de blog. Embora muitos possam discordar do método, foi assim que consegui monetizar meu blog de finanças, com aproximadamente 17 a 19 postagens, sendo aprovado pelo Google AdSense em apenas 3 dias. Dedico toda a glória ao meu Deus Pai, que está no céu agora; sem Ele, essa conquista não teria sido possível.
Link do artigo mostrada no vídeo:
#FinançasPessoais #Blogging #MonetizaçãoOnline #Adsense #SucessoFinanceiro
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In this video I discuss the recent announcement that Russia has struck a trade deal with Pakistan under which it will be paid in POTATOES, ORANGES & RICE. This deal has been agreed due to the ongoing payment problems that Russia is experiencing as a result of the Financial Sanctions. The payment problems are now causing major problems for Russia and are having a huge impact on the Russian Economy.
For specific details please check out the CHAPTER list below.
0:00 Intro
8:12 WHY?
13:24 RUBLE
15:31 BRICS
PROVANDO LANÇAMENTOS DE PANETONES DO MERCADO 2024 | Blog das irmãs. Fomos no supermercado e compramos todos ponetones que achamos que são lançamentos. Teve Casa Suiça de Choco-nozes, Casa Suiça Petiti Gattone, Charge da Nestlé, e pela primeira vez vimos da Marilan, teve de torta de limão e pavê de chocolate. E todos esses panetones nos surpreenderam.
CAIXA POSTAL: 58 CEP 19700.970 Paraguaçu Paulista - SP
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Are Portals Really Mentioned in Quran ? A Scripture That Was Written 1,400 Years Ago? Hazrat Ali R.A's Portals Secrets Revealed for the First Time.
#portals #portal #sciencefacts #quranandscience #islamandscience
Some 1,400 years ago, in the deserts of Iraq, there lived a Muslim Scholar who claimed that he knows "Ways of The Heavens" better than the "Ways in The Earth".
At his time, it seems hard that someone had actually interpreted his claim in right way but eons later the 21st century era began with an explosion of knowledge especially ... in the deep space studies called Astrophysics and what did scientists discover ?
That there truly are certain "Pathways in The Heavens" that may lead ... to a completely different realm.
How did Hazrat Ali (r.a), a man living in the deserts could have possibly known the secrets of our Universe ? The answer ... may lie in the holy book of the religion that he followed ... Al-Quran.
And in this episode; We are going to find that out.
Salam, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research work in Quran, Science, History & Archaeology.
If you wish to support my work, you can do so by simply clicking the link below.
And if you're from Pakistan, then here is the IBAN No. for my Faysal Bank Account.
Or if you're an Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash user ... you can also send your support to this mobile no.
Furqan Qureshi
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